Tuesday, August 24, 2010

Im going to my friends sweet sixteen what color sould i paint my nails???

french manicure, pretty much matches everythingIm going to my friends sweet sixteen what color sould i paint my nails???
something statement and bold, hot pink, green, lemon yellow, navy blue!

Just snoop around in barry M youre bound to find a cool colour there, or if there is no place to get barry M were you live, look at the website here for inspiration!

http://www.barrym.co.uk/products/product鈥?/a>Im going to my friends sweet sixteen what color sould i paint my nails???
Depends on what your wearing. If your wearing more than one color try to make the less noticeable pop! If your wearing one color then paint them that color. Also bright glittery or shiney colors look cute. You can try getting your nails done. You seem to like pink so you can wear a bright pink nailpolish! I like pink too! ^_^
bright and vibrant colours are defonitley in fashion!




please pick me for best answer :)
Totally depends on your outfit . . . Can't help you until I know what that is.
whatever color your top is
depends on what color dress your wearing have the same color as your dress.
i would say whatever matches your outfit
lime green or blue or purple :D yeah
dark red or purple

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